Il Southern Wind SW96’ è stato costruito utilizzando infusione di resina epossidica e fibre di carbonio, corecell tipo M per le anime. ISD ha effettuato il piano strutturale, il modello ad elementi finiti e tutti i disegni di costruzione delle strutture. Inoltre lo studio ISD ha affiancando il cantiere Southern Wind Shipyard per le scelte strutturali.
SW96 is one of the latest additions to the SWS family. This yacht’s sleek hull lines designed by Farr Yacht Design and general concept drawn by Nauta Design express the company motto: “simplicity is the essence of good design”.
Now, it’s under construction a new SW96#4 yacht, quite different than others for her propultion: she is the first electric-hybrid sailboat in the Southern Wind fleet for which ISD has re-design the structural plan.
Via Enrico Mattei 26
Ancona, 60125